How can we help you

Do you already have a website?

Have a look at our REVIEW service.

By using the services you can be assured you know what other people think of your website, and that your website and social media channels are converting visitors into customers.

Are you just getting started?

We will work with you to build your first website and get a social media strategy in place all while working within your budget.  If you would like to build it yourself – have a look at our course available on EdITCon Training.

By completing this course, you will learn how to build a really good One Page Website, and if you need a bigger website – you just repeat the process a few times.

Would you like to make sure you digital marketing is effective?

We can MONITOR your website and social media platforms and have monthly meetings with you to discuss results and suggestions for improvement.

Would you like us to build a website for you?

We offer our own cloud-based hosting service on

Have a look at our Web Design and Development  pricing structure based on your requirements.

Services that can help you

EdITCon Digital Usability Testing Service


A REVIEW of your website and social media platforms by our team of Usability testers, show you what people think, feel, and do when they visit your website.

EdITCon Digital Planning Service


Based on the result of the REVIEW we can then work with you to PLAN short, and long-term changes to your website and social media strategy.

EdITCon Digital Implementation Service


Once we have agreement on the plan and agreed on a budget and timeline that work for you, we work with you to DESIGN and IMPLEMENT the suggested changes.

EdITCon Digital Monitoring Service


By using our service to MONITOR your digital platforms, you can be assured that you are focussing your resources on campaigns and changes the grow your business.

Need a new website

We can build a service that work for your needs